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meet the Event Ministers

Come and listen to natural singers whose gospel songs and hymnals will warm your heart. And with the cooperation of the 'Youthful Gospel Nightingales', services and events are electrifying.

So why don’t you pay us a visit? You are always welcome

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Elder Martha Afrifa

Prime Event Minister

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Elder Bernice Ado Agyemang

Choir Mistress

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Elder Bernice & Elder Martha

Choir Mistress & Prime Event Minister

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Devine Sister Pricilla Peterson

Chief Spokesperson of the Youth Ministry
and Key Member of The Gospel Nightingales

youth program

We offer a vibrant youth program that engages our young members in meaningful activities. Our youth delve into deep and profound biblical studies, engage in communal prayer sessions, and extend compassion through visits to the sick. They actively participate in charitable endeavors, organizing of yearly recreational and sports events, as well as excursions and physical training. Additionally, they generously contribute to their community by redecorating the homes of the aged citizens in society. They donate clothing to those in need and foster connections through regular dinner parties and home meetings. Besides all this, four of them preach regularly in the church, and some read scriptures and sing hymnals in the church and are very resourceful in other areas of the ministry as well. The scope of their activities extends beyond what has been listed here, but we invite you to experience their enthusiasm and hospitality by attending one of our church services.

You are always welcome. You have a lot to gain and nothing to lose! So why don't you show up?

God Bless You!

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Band Session

Some members of the band session of the true teaching of Christ temple

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current event: other events coming up:

Palm Sunday 

The first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter, commemorating Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem.


Good Friday


The commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.

Easter Sunday Service

The most important date in the Christian Calendar. Join us in celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


TTCT Annual Convention

TTCT's annual convention of intensive prayer and fasting for seven days.

Christmas Service

24th December

The celebration and commemoration of the birth and first coming of our Lord Jesus. 


New Years Eve Watchnight Service

31st  December

Join us as we reflect on the past year and thank the Lord for seeing us through it. We ask for thanks and praise and pray for guidance, protection and direction in the new year.

Further Reading...

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a celebration for honoring Jesus Christ’s victorious entry into Jerusalem. While this was a joyful, special occasion for his followers, this event took place towards the end of his days on Earth before being crucified.


As Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey (donkeys signify peace and humility), his followers laid out tree palms among other items in front of his path, which demonstrated unwavering respect. The palms represent peace and victory in this immense act of adoration


Ressurection Sunday (Easter)

What is Easter? Without a doubt one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar, Easter is a holiday that celebrates the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. After his crucifixion, death, and burial, three days later, He rose from the grave. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us from sin.

The significance of Easter is Jesus Christ's triumph over death. His resurrection means the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. The purpose of Easter also means the full confirmation of all that Jesus taught and preached during His three-year ministry. If He had not risen from the dead, if He had simply died and not been resurrected, He would have been thought just another teacher or prophet. However, His resurrection rebuked all that and provided final and undeniable proof that He was really the Son of God and that He had overcome death once and for all.

Good Friday

Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, is the Christian holy day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus and His death at Calvary.

For Christians, Good Friday is a crucial day of the year because it celebrates what we believe to be the most momentous weekend in the history of the world. Ever since Jesus died and was raised, Christians have proclaimed the cross and resurrection of Jesus to be the decisive turning point for all creation. Paul considered it to be “of first importance” that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was raised to life on the third day, all in accordance with what God had promised all along in the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3).

On Good Friday we remember the day Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins (1 John 1:10).



The birth and the first coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus was born in order to pay the price for the things we have done wrong: sin. God sent his only son to be the atonement for all our sins so that we would not be separated from God. Without Jesus, we would all die for our sins. We inherited our sinful nature from the first human beings God created, Adam and Eve. While being fully God and yet fully man, Jesus came into the world as an infant to save us all.

TTCT Annual Convention

The True Teaching of Christ Temple holds its annual convention of intensive prayer and fasting for seven days from the last Sunday of September to the first Saturday of October. A special service of thanks and praise follows the next day.

After the convention, the church makes generous donations to various charitable organizations in different countries such as Holland, Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, Cameroon, and many other places. This is done in fulfillment of what the Lord instructed.  Isaiah 58:1-12


Watchnight Service (New Years Eve)

Night, which takes place on the night of New Year’s Eve, is a church service and is a time of deep reflection and introspection. It provides Christians the opportunity to look back over the year that has passed. We thank the Lord for all he has done for us, confess our wrongdoings in prayer, and ask him to lead us through and prepare for the year ahead.

It also serves as a reminder that there is still a long way for us to get where we need to be. But on this night, we are reminded, there is hope.



Baptism is a ceremony in which a Christian is immersed in water before the church to publically symbolize their devotion to Christ. The water is a symbol of sin being washed away

When we enter the waters of baptism, we proclaim the gospel message. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and lives again. By joining in baptism, we’re identifying ourselves with Him. Romans 6:4 says we have been buried with Him through baptism into death. We’re now dead to the power of sin. Being raised up out of the water expresses our new life in Christ and our union with Him.

Each year, our church joyously celebrates Baptism with solemn ceremonies led by our dedicated leaders. Following the Baptismal rites, heartfelt spiritual teachings are imparted to guide and support the newly initiated on their journey toward embracing a sincere and renewed Christian existence.

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